In Chitika Insights’ latest study, we investigated the difference in browser use across different social media websites. We pulled a weeks worth of data that covered millions of ad impressions to try to identify characteristics among each site’s users.
Tag: social media
LinkedIn Goes IPO, Why Aren’t You Marketing There?
LinkedIn is huge and influential enough to be worth $9 billion dollars after its IPO. Why aren’t more social media marketing professionals paying attention?
Tweeters 30% More Likely to Click Ads Than Facebookers
In the Web 2.0 world, Social Media is becoming an ever-increasingly important way to reach out to potential clients and generate traffic. While Facebook is obviously the king of the Social Media jungle, Twitter proves to provide more value per user to the web publisher.
Myspace, We Hardly Knew Thee
Remember when Facebook was the “up and coming” company in the tech world? Also remember when Myspace was the company poised to dominate the social media world? Seems like quite the distant memory. Fast forwarding back to 2011, Facebook now ranks as the second most visited site according to While Myspace’s #62 seems respectable,… Continue reading Myspace, We Hardly Knew Thee
Reddit Leads Digg in Traffic – Coincides with Hiring Wave
What a roller coaster; Digg is dominant, but New Digg (like New Coke) opens the door for Reddit to take over. Then Digg makes changes, and takes the lead back. Now, it appears that Reddit has gone back into the lead, just in time to hire a bunch more people.
Google (Lack Of) Buzz
For a few days in February, Google Buzz was all the… well, buzz. Seen for a short period of time as a direct assault on Twitter, Buzz appears to have fallen off of the minds of Internet users, as measured by searches. Featured in Search Engine Land
Twitter and Facebook are for News, MySpace is for Leisure
What do users of the various social networks want? We broke down the traffic coming from Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and Digg to see what genres of sites they visit the most. As seen on Mashable.
Twitterers Want Their News, and Want It Now
A look at the website genres that receive the most traffic from Twitter and Facebook across the Chitika network. Twitterers seem interested in being on the bleeding edge of breaking news, whereas Facebook users seem more interested in tech and lifestyle sites. Featured in AdWeek, WebProNews, and more
Digg + Facebook = Loyal Readers
When bringing new visitors in to a website, where do you go? Well, according to our latest study, you go to Facebook and Digg if you want them to be loyal, repeat readers. As seen in eMarketer, Mashable, Marketing Pilgrim, and more.
Top Referring Sites: Social Media No Threat To Search
Breakdown of referrals to the Chitika network comparing 7 days in July with 7 days in September, 2009. Some key insights: Twitter users becoming link-blind; Bing losing referral market share; search continues to dominate, with no obvious threat from social media.