Apple’s iPhone 5 is estimated to have posted impressive sales figures since its release in September. Friday, November 30th marked 10 weeks since the iPhone 5 became available in stores, and Chitika Insights decided to investigate how usage of the device has grown.
Tag: iphone 5
iPhone 5 Usage Surpasses Samsung Galaxy S III After Less than 3 Weeks on Market
Following the release of Apple’s iPhone 5 on September 21st, Chitika Insights was interested in comparing the Web usage rates of the newest phones from both manufacturers. Looking solely at impressions coming from the iPhone 5 and Galaxy S III, we were able to observe the difference in Web traffic volume between the two devices, depicted in the figure below:
iPhone 5 Users Generate 2.5% of all iPhone Traffic after First Weekend
The launch of the iPhone 5 was one of the most highly anticipated events in recent memory when it comes to the technology space. On Friday, September 21st, the iPhone made its debut in stores, and preorders began to ship to online customers. By Monday, September 24th, Apple stated that worldwide sales had surpassed 5 million units.
Chitika Insights’ newest tracker looks to quantify how this newest device is impacting the marketplace
T-Mobile iPhone Popping Up In Atlanta?
Is a T-Mobile iPhone in the works? We break down the cities that generate the most iPhone traffic on a T-Mobile network in the US.