Tablets are not smartphones. Then again, they’re not home computers, either, and their share of Internet usage is projected to be nearly 4% of all Internet traffic by the end of 2011. Fortunately, we at Chitika already have the solution for web publishers: specialized ads designed specifically for iPad, iPad 2 and Android tablets. Chitika… Continue reading iPad 2: Chitika Has An Ad For That
Tag: ipad 2
Xoom Zooms Ahead of Galaxy Tab, Almost Catches Nexus One
An Android tablet made by Motorola has almost caught Google’s own flagship device? Say it ain’t so! Well, it’s true; the Xoom is already almost as widely-used an Internet device as the Nexus One.
Apple Announces iPad 2 – Is Your Site Ready?
The iPad 2 is officially coming to the US on March 11th. Considering that we’ve already predicted that 2% of all Internet traffic will be from iPads by the end of 2011, you might want to make sure your site is ready.