The iPad 2 is officially coming to the US on March 11th. Considering that we’ve already predicted that 2% of all Internet traffic will be from iPads by the end of 2011, you might want to make sure your site is ready.
Tag: ios
Can the Motorola Xoom ignite the Android Tablet Market?
As more information is released about the upcoming Motorola Xoom, like hands-on pictures from Devin Coldewey’s article today at TechCrunch, the question of when a real competitor for the iPad emerges. While the iPad has the big edge in the tablet market, there are many devices entering the market in the near future that could… Continue reading Can the Motorola Xoom ignite the Android Tablet Market?
WebOS Coming To The PC? What?
HP announced today that it will be releasing a ton of new devices running Palm’s WebOS. One very surprising revelation, PCs running the mobile OS are on the slate for later this year.
iPhone Users Twice As Likely to Own a Mac
How important is the iPhone to Apple’s success? Looking at some crossover statistics, very important, and not just in sales. Looking at a sample of Chitika traffic, an iPhone user is twice as likely to own a Mac computer. Normally, the Chitika network sees about 11% of its impressions as Mac, but in this sample’s… Continue reading iPhone Users Twice As Likely to Own a Mac
61% of iPads Already Running iOS 4 – January iOS and Android OS Breakdown
Ringing in the new year, we look at Android and iOS to see what OS versions people are running. Fragmentation is about even, and the iPad has picked up iOS 4 quickly.
Android to Pass iPhone’s Market Share in 2012
Android has been narrowing the gap between its family of phones and the iPhone’s market share all year. Based on our network’s data, Google’s OS will finally pass Apple’s landmark device on February 16, 2012, a little past noon Eastern.
iPad Will Pass 2% of All Internet Usage in 2011
Looking ahead to 2011, the iPad will become an even more important part of the Internet. We predict that by the end of the year, iPads will make up over 2% of all Internet traffic. As seen in All Things Digital, PC Magazine, Mac Rumors and more.
Top Two iPhone Search Engines: Both Google
After our panel at SMX East revealed Google’s dominance in the mobile search market, we decided to look into the sources of their traffic. The Google App by itself can stand as the 2nd biggest iPhone search engine. As seen in Search Engine Land and ReadWriteWeb. Good information for all those using the new Chitika Mobile Ads.
iPhone and Android OS Breakdown – September
Following up on our look at iOS version distribution in July, we find that iOS 4 has continued to make impressive strides, now accounting for 68% of all iPhone traffic into our network. Seen on Technologizer
Android Users 80% More Valuable Than iPhone Users
Android keeps making gains in smartphone market share, but it’s still a small player when compared to the iPhone. However, advertisers need to pay attention to Google’s mobile OS – its users click on ads significantly more often than iPhone users. As seen on The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, PC Magazine, and Wired among others