May Tablet Update: iPad Usage Share Hits 5-Month High

Apple users are still prolific when it comes to tablet Web browsing, while Amazon’s Kindle Fire and Samsung’s Galaxy Tablet families remain in second and third place, respectively. Apple’s iPad usage share increased in May 2013 after a slight dip in April 2013, making its present Web usage share (82.4%) the highest since the beginning… Continue reading May Tablet Update: iPad Usage Share Hits 5-Month High

April Tablet Update: Samsung Galaxy Tablets Show Continued Growth

In the three years since Apple’s iPad became the first modern Web-enabled tablet available in the U.S., the tablet market has maintained a steady rate of growth. Tablets have worked themselves into the daily lives of both workplace and casual web browsing, and while the iPad has remained king since its launch, other devices have… Continue reading April Tablet Update: Samsung Galaxy Tablets Show Continued Growth

Samsung Galaxy Tab Growth Overstated, Outnumbered 300-to-1 by iPad

The Galaxy Tab, hailed by many as the first Android-based tablet device to truly threaten the iPad’s dominance (not to mention a pretty nifty device), is outnumbered online by iPads roughly 318 to 1, according to traffic data from our network.  That’s why we weren’t too surprised when The Wall Street Journal reported on a Samsung executive backtracking on their announced sales of 2 million since its launch.