Chitika Insights Featured in "Social Media Marketing for Dummies" 2nd Edition [Insights]

In the past year, Chitika Insights has taken off as one of the tech industry’s top sources for data, including our market share reports, web browsing trends, and more. Recently, Chitika Insights was featured in “Social Media Marketing All-In-One for Dummies,” published Friday, November 6th. Chitika Insights was asked to categorize the different types of… Continue reading Chitika Insights Featured in "Social Media Marketing for Dummies" 2nd Edition [Insights]

Twitter: A Potential Victim of the Google+/Facebook Showdown

Forbes writer Erika Morphy recently gave us the latest rundown of the Google+, Facebook, and Twitter “clash of the titans” showdown. Rather, clash of the two titans, and one growing giant (Google+). In the article, she states that it’s only a matter of time until Google+ overtakes one of these titans, inevitably causing the victim… Continue reading Twitter: A Potential Victim of the Google+/Facebook Showdown

Google+ is a Legitimate Challenger to Social Networking Superpowers

On June 28th, Google launched their new social networking site, Google Plus. The release instantly grabbed the attention of the tech world, and flooded the blogosphere with all sorts of posts, articles, and videos. The common question has been: “Can Google Plus compete with Facebook and Twitter?” The data analytics team here at Chitika decided… Continue reading Google+ is a Legitimate Challenger to Social Networking Superpowers