Remember when Facebook was the “up and coming” company in the tech world? Also remember when Myspace was the company poised to dominate the social media world? Seems like quite the distant memory. Fast forwarding back to 2011, Facebook now ranks as the second most visited site according to While Myspace’s #62 seems respectable,… Continue reading Myspace, We Hardly Knew Thee
Category: Social Media
Facebook Launches New Design for Pages
Facebook Pages looks quite a bit different today. Facebook has rolled out some major changes, making Pages look, feel, and act like Profiles. Check out the Chitika page to see for yourself.
Google (Lack Of) Buzz
For a few days in February, Google Buzz was all the… well, buzz. Seen for a short period of time as a direct assault on Twitter, Buzz appears to have fallen off of the minds of Internet users, as measured by searches. Featured in Search Engine Land