and AOL: If You Place Ads There, Clicks Will Come

In an earlier study, Chitika Insights analyzed click through rates for web browsers, helping to show which browsers were most valuable to advertisers. But what about search engines? Does the search engine you use influence your likelihood of clicking on an ad?

Most Valuable Browsers: Mobile Leads the Way, MSIE Ad Friendly?

As the number of the browsers available to consumers continues to grow, its necessary for search engine marketers to be aware of the browser distribution of their sites traffic. Chitika Insights’ newest study breaks down CTR by browser version. Knowing what browsers return the highest CTR is useful information for online advertisers looking to optimize their ad monetization.

Old is Gold, and more $$$

People using older monitors click on advertisements 60% more often than those on newer monitors. Newer monitor users are usually more tech savvy, which means they are more adept at executing their intent on the web. The business takeaway is advertisers and website publishers should ensure high ad quality on older monitors in these sluggish times.

Focus on the Sweet Spot: It does matter

The moral of today and of yesteryear is that web publishers and advertisers should concentrate on searches between three to six words long. The sweet spot for query length are four word queries. This result stands whether looking at the percentage of users clicking an advertisement, the number of total ads seen or the total clicks on ads.