Come join Chitika's Happy Hour @ T.R.A.F.F.I.C Conference in Fort Lauderdale

Chitika will be hosting a happy hour at the T.R.A.F.F.I.C Conference in Fort Lauderdale, which is taking place this weekend from October 7th to October 10th. The conference is being held at the Ritz Carlton, and representing Chitika will be Vik Chhabra, Director of BizDev. To get more details on the happy hour, contact Vik… Continue reading Come join Chitika's Happy Hour @ T.R.A.F.F.I.C Conference in Fort Lauderdale

Twitter: A Potential Victim of the Google+/Facebook Showdown

Forbes writer Erika Morphy recently gave us the latest rundown of the Google+, Facebook, and Twitter “clash of the titans” showdown. Rather, clash of the two titans, and one growing giant (Google+). In the article, she states that it’s only a matter of time until Google+ overtakes one of these titans, inevitably causing the victim… Continue reading Twitter: A Potential Victim of the Google+/Facebook Showdown

Twitter to Become More Ad-Friendly

Each June, in luxurious Cannes, France, the Lions International Festival of Creativity is held. This event brings companies in the communications business together to celebrate the year’s most innovative groups. Tim Bradshaw’s attended the festival, and highlights the media attention Twitter executives received there in his article.