Chitika Insights, the research arm of Chitika, is constantly putting out studies that take a close look at industry trends. We’re always trying to keep ahead of the curve, and we love to put out content that is not only industry relevant, but relevant to our publishers as well! Recently, we published an infographic on… Continue reading Tips for Site Optimization: CTR by Browser [Insights Infographic]
Category: Chitika | Pulse
The man behind the "number of iPads sold"
The man behind our newly famous “estimated number of iPads sold” is actually one of the youngest “men” here at the Chitika office; Gui Pinto just celebrated his 20th birthday. In the picture above, Gui is holding his brand new iPad he received as a gift from Chitika CEO, Venkat Kolluri for putting together the… Continue reading The man behind the "number of iPads sold"