Are We Entering a "Mobile-First" World?

As we approach the new year, marketers and consumers alike are asking the question of whether or not we are entering a “mobile-first” world. For years, data companies have been predicting and measuring the massive shift from desktop to mobile, and with the recent explosion of new (affordable) smartphones and tablets, that shift is happening… Continue reading Are We Entering a "Mobile-First" World?

Tips for Site Optimization: CTR by Browser [Insights Infographic]

Chitika Insights, the research arm of Chitika, is constantly putting out studies that take a close look at industry trends. We’re always trying to keep ahead of the curve, and we love to put out content that is not only industry relevant, but relevant to our publishers as well! Recently, we published an infographic on… Continue reading Tips for Site Optimization: CTR by Browser [Insights Infographic]

Chitika Insights Featured in "Social Media Marketing for Dummies" 2nd Edition [Insights]

In the past year, Chitika Insights has taken off as one of the tech industry’s top sources for data, including our market share reports, web browsing trends, and more. Recently, Chitika Insights was featured in “Social Media Marketing All-In-One for Dummies,” published Friday, November 6th. Chitika Insights was asked to categorize the different types of… Continue reading Chitika Insights Featured in "Social Media Marketing for Dummies" 2nd Edition [Insights]