Samsung and Apple are two of the most powerful players in the mobile industry as the leading manufacturers for Android and iOS devices, respectively. Both companies launched new flagship smartphones in 2012 with the Samsung Galaxy S III and the Apple iPhone 5, and each smartphone is still widely regarded as “top of the line”… Continue reading Samsung Galaxy S III and iPhone 5 Web Usage Running Neck-and-Neck in North America; Smartphone Usage Dynamics Shift
Category: Chitika Archives
Six-Month Study: Apple iOS Users Consume Growing Amount of Web Traffic
With the Droid RAZR M, Samsung Galaxy S III, Kindle Fire HD and a wide variety of others, 2012 has seen the debut of a large number of new Android tablets and smartphones. Meanwhile Apple has rolled out a new version of the iPhone, two new iterations of the iPad, along with the iPad mini.… Continue reading Six-Month Study: Apple iOS Users Consume Growing Amount of Web Traffic
One Bing-er Worth a Googler and a Half
Microsoft’s Bing decision engine has managed to keep up its higher per-user value for over a year now, leading to the conclusion that Redmond’s finest has actually managed to pull in as its first users some of the most valuable search engine traffic available.
The Value of Google Result Positioning
How much is the top spot on Google results actually worth? According to our data, quite a bit – double the traffic of the #2 spot, to be precise. See how much of a jump each step up the Google results is worth. Featured on Search Engine Watch.
Top Referring Sites: Social Media No Threat To Search
Breakdown of referrals to the Chitika network comparing 7 days in July with 7 days in September, 2009. Some key insights: Twitter users becoming link-blind; Bing losing referral market share; search continues to dominate, with no obvious threat from social media.