With Facebook’s estimated $16 billion IPO today, Chitika Insights wanted to provide a visualization of how people are interacting with the offering over many aspects of the Web. To accomplish this, Chitika Insights performed an analysis of two key indicators:
- Facebook’s current stock market price via a Yahoo! Finance API
- Queries for Facebook IPO and related searches on North American search engines
The following paragraphs detail the methodology behind the Facebook IPO Tracker coming out of Chitika Insights.
Data Collection
Data for this tracker is collected in real time, and updated on minute-by-minute basis. Facebook’s current stock price is provided every minute via the Yahoo! Finance API. To determine the level of search share generated by the company, Chitika Insights used a proprietary algorithm tracking search engine queries relevant to the Facebook IPO. The level of search share is then represented using a 15 minute rolling average to allow the best possible visualization of the behavioral relationship between stock price and search interest.
Line Chart: The line chart overlays current data of each of the elements listed above on an hourly basis in a time series. For example, if the Facebook share price rose from $39.90 at noon to $44.75 at 4:00p.m., the chart would highlight this growth (and show all of the hours in between). This type of quantitative representation is constant across each metric used within the graph, each with its own unique color for ease of viewing.