Chitika One Of Safest Ad Networks

I came across an interesting report on TechCrunch today on ad networks with malware-infected advertisements.  The report referenced some statistics put out last month by the Avast! anti-virus team, warning people about a new bug making its way through the internet through advertisements.
The study posted the ad networks that spread the malware at the highest rate, and lo and behold, Chitika was nowhere to be seen.  The Chitika ad network appears to be safe.

I asked our CTO, Alden DoRosario, about what we can take away from this, and here’s what he said:
“The Chitika text ad units are currently one of the safest forms of ad revenue for publishers.  The text-based advertisers and the code that runs in each ad unit is written and controlled by Chitika — ensuring that no third-party code runs on your site.
“Historically, ad networks get into trouble when they take un-verified third-party code from advertisers and deploy it on their publishers’ sites.  This is very common in ad networks that run graphical ad units which need access to Flash and other scripting technologies.”
So there you have it, Chitika publishers.  Straight from the boss’s mouth – the Chitika ad network is one of the safest on the Internet.

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