Samsung Galaxy Note Web Traffic on the Rise along with Sales

The release of the Samsung Galaxy Note, a one of a kind phone-tablet hybrid, came amidst controversial expectations. While many users considered the 5.3-inch tablet phone as an impractical device, Samsung was hoping to find a place in the market with its hybrid for users who were looking for a tablet that can also function as a phone, and be carried out in pocket.

Sales figures of the new device did not disappoint – Samsung’s phone-tablet topped 1 million sales in only two months. Shortly after its US release, Samsung announced 2 million units sold. Samsung also announced concurrently that their unique device was expecting to move more than 10 million units by the end of 2012. Apparently, even Samsung underestimated the potential of its phone-tablet. The Galaxy Note has sold 5 million units in 5 months. Reviews, reports, and news keep mentioning the hybrid’s success.

As the Galaxy Note keeps shining in the market, its active use in the US becomes a bigger question mark. In light of this, Chitika Insights conducted a study to delve deeper into levels of traffic coming from the Galaxy Note in the US as seen on our extensive network. In order to quantify the study, we used our proprietary algorithm that focuses on mobile traffic by various devices. This study was comprised of a sample of hundreds of millions of impressions based in the US, between March 26 and April 2, 2012.

The results of our study show that the Galaxy Note currently makes up 1.22% of Samsungs’ overall internet activity. Our data also indicates a significant growth in the rate for the Note’s web traffic. Currently the level of Galaxy Note web traffic is 44% of Galaxy Nexus’ traffic, which was only 17% in our March 9th report.

The tremendous rate of increase could be an indicator for a high level of interest for the device in the US and corresponding sales figures. Samsung’s mini tablet phone seems to be its new money generator and the Korean manufacturer is successfully proving the demand for “phablets” in the mobile and international markets. It might be a wise move for other manufacturers to consider joining into this new movement before it is too late. Stay tuned to Chitika Insights for more reports on Samsung and the tablet market.


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