The leader in smartphones will continue to be the iPhone in 2011, but that will change fast. Looking at the growth curves of iPhones and Android devices across the Chitika ad network, Android will overtake the iPhone on February 16th, 2012. Not specific enough? Our point estimate says that should happen at 12:23 PM Eastern time.
As of December 14th, 2010, iPhones outnumber Android devices 2:1. That’s a significant change from June, when there were 3 iPhones coming through the Chitika network for every Android phone. Our estimate for Androids equaling iPhones is based on this change, and all the little nuances that went into the two devices’ changes in market share.
For more information on this study, contact:
Daniel Ruby
Research Director, Online Insights
Chitika, Inc.
+866.441.7203 x966
this prediction is for the US market right?
cause for the rest of the world android is winning the race
I wonder if chitika network can be put to use to predict what I will have for breakfast at 8:15 am tomorrow morning 😉
North American market, yes. I know – the rest of the world is digging Android’s handset and provider variety.
Tomorrow morning at 8:15 you will have… a poached egg, half a waffle, and some Canadian bacon.
Does this take into account sales estimates based on potential Verizon iPhones or the potential for additional Android phones being released by HTC, Samsung etc…?
To a degree. The base data includes the iPhone 4 launch and (nearly) countless Android device launches. We’ve approached the prediction assuming similar results for the Verizon iPhone launch, and assuming that Android launches will remain similar in terms of number and market share effects.
This confirms my own observations and anecdotal evidence that android is superior and will dominate the market.
But the real question is why?
Is it because the app market is better and growing quicker?
Daniel are you checking up on google tv stats on chitika network ?
The pundits have written off google tv as a failure in its current form but I would love to see some stats about google tv here 😉