Chitika Discovers Mac Mecca

561,100 people picked up a copy of the June 9th edition of Boston Herald to the sight of the Boston Bruins raising their hockey sticks in elation at their victory against the Vancouver Canucks 4-0 in last nights Game 4. Flipping to page one, readers were greeted by an intriguing article entitled “In Wellesley, Macs Apple of Their Eye, Wealthy Towns Give PCs the Boot”, by Jessica Van Sack, in which Chitika research was the subject.

 The study, which focused on the state of Massachusetts, found that the largest percentage of Apple computer ownership was in the the affluent town of Wellesley Hills. Ownership of Apple computers there is an astounding 36%, which is “nearly five times the company’s U.S. market share average of about 7.2 percent.” Chitika plans to create more studies like this one in the near future. Gabe Donini, a data analyst for the Massachusetts study, says that, “at Chitika, Data Analytics are central to our thinking, and as such, we look forward to uncovering new and compelling trends which not only drive our business, but reveal the interesting ways in which the world is evolving today.” Print media is a great way to increase the Chitika’s exposure to a large diversified group of readers. Sources: Herald Media “In Wellesley, Macs Apple of Their Eye”  

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