PayPal: Back in Action for Publishers in India

Attention publishers in India: Rejoice! PayPal is no longer restricted for payments above $500 in India.

Attention publishers in India: Rejoice! PayPal is no longer restricted for payments above $500 in India.

Many of you may remember that back in August of 2011, PayPal established blocks on payments to users in India for amounts over $500. This was very frustrating for many of our users, who rely on PayPal to receive their monthly payments from Chitika. Users were forced to switch over to check, which is not everyone’s ideal option. Luckily, PayPal must have quickly realized that this was a problem and the block was removed. We are now able to send PayPal payments for amounts over $500 to users in India again (yay!). Therefore, we wanted to remind any publishers that this may have affected: If you have not done so already, you may re-select “PayPal” as your preferred payment option. If you need assistance in changing your preferred payment method or have questions about payments in general, you can contact me here. Were you affected by the PayPal block in India? Feel free to vent in the comment section below! 🙂

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