Big Data: Not Just "Big" in the US

Big Data is exploding into the tech world as a cornerstone of the industry; not just in the US, but across the world. This past Thursday, Chitika CEO Venkat Kolluri spoke at the International Workshop of Data Analytics and Applications at the Birla Institute of Technology & Science (Goa Campus) in India.

Big Data is exploding into the tech world as a cornerstone of the industry; not just in the US, but across the world. This past Thursday, Chitika CEO Venkat Kolluri spoke at the International Workshop of Data Analytics and Applications at the Birla Institute of Technology & Science (Goa Campus) in India.

Put on by the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, the goal of the workshop was to give participants the opportunity to interact with experts of the Data world, whether it be in Data Mining, Data Visualization, Bioinformatics/Agri-bioinformatics, Web Mining & Information Retrieval, and High Performance Computing.  As stated on the official event page, “The workshop aims to bring in research expertise, both from academia and industry, to enable practitioners and educators to gain insight into the exciting field of data analytics. The workshop will provide a holistic view of data analytics through talks by leading researchers, from India and abroad, in algorithmic and systems aspects of data analytics and its applications.” Venkat spoke about session analysis and advertisement targeting, a topic that is vital to the foundation of Chitika (as we specialize in serving search-targeted advertisements). For more details on the event, click here!

Although Chitika is widely known as an online ad network, we are a data-driven company at our core. All of our decisions are driven by Big Data, whether it be in Engineering, Biz Dev, Marketing, or our research branch, Chitika Insights.  Are you driven by data? If so, Chitika might be the perfect fit for you. Even better news? We’re hiring! Click here to see our open positions.


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