iOS 6.1.2 is the Most Popular Version of iOS Less than One Week Following Launch

Chitika Insights Graph Thumbnail, iOS 6.1.2 Most Popular Version of iOS As the result of reports of what Apple described as “an Exchange calendar bug that could result in increased network activity and reduced battery life” for some iOS 6.1 users, the company released its latest update to iOS 6. The newest version, iOS 6.1.2, was launched on February 19th, 2013 – slightly over a week following its release of iOS 6.1.1, which was targeted explicitly to iPhone 4S users. With this latest update going out to iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches, Chitika Insights examined the initial adoption rate of the OS, to compare it with our earlier study on iOS 6.1.1.

As the result of reports of what Apple described as “an Exchange calendar bug that could result in increased network activity and reduced battery life” for some iOS 6.1 users, the company released its latest update to iOS 6. The newest version, iOS 6.1.2, was launched on February 19th, 2013 – slightly over a week following its release of iOS 6.1.1, which was targeted explicitly to iPhone 4S users. With this latest update going out to iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches, Chitika Insights examined the initial adoption rate of the OS, to compare it with our earlier study on iOS 6.1.1.

To quantify this study, Chitika Insights took a sample of tens of millions of iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch mobile ad impressions originating from the Chitika Ad Network. This data set is composed of impressions originating from the U.S and Canada, observed from February 19th through February 24th, 2013. A user agent analysis was conducted to identify the iOS version in use from each iOS device impression. A graph depicting the growth of iOS 6.1.2 since its launch can be seen below (in the context of iOS 6 traffic only), along with a current version distribution for all iOS Web traffic:

Chitika Insights Graph, iOS 6.1.2 Most Popular Version of iOS

As seen in the graphs above, five days following iOS 6.1.2’s debut, 34.9% of iOS Web traffic in our North American network is generated by 6.1.2 users. This makes 6.1.2 the most popular version of iOS domestically, surpassing iOS 6.1.0, and adoption of the OS shows no signs of slowing down. Additionally, looking at the line graph, one can see how the growth in iOS 6.1.2 traffic has been accompanied by a near-corresponding drop in iOS 6.1.0 usage, indicating that many users from that OS in particular are switching to the latest version. As this latest update fixed a battery life issue ― a major phone feature ― it’s understandable that the rate of adoption for iOS 6.1.2 would reach these levels so quickly. For comparison, 48 hours following its release, iOS 6.1.2 adoption nearly equaled what we observed for the much more highly anticipated iOS 6 within the same time period ― a significant achievement considering this update was centered on an OS bug fix.