Global sales of the Samsung Galaxy S III notably surpassed 20 Million units sold within the first 100 days. The smartphone’s status as a flagship phone, combined with substantial demand for the product and its wide availability, have made it an essential offering for many cellular carriers. Given its position as a market-leading product, Chitika Insights conducted a research study to determine the current rate of Samsung Galaxy S III usage across each carrier selling the phone in the U.S.
The Samsung Galaxy S III made its debut on May 29th, 2012, later launching in the U.S across all four major carriers (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint) on June 21st, 2012. Samsung’s latest flagship phone received a warm reception on the global stage, surpassing 20 Million units sold within the first 100 days.
A recent report from Chitika Insights illustrates the success of Samsung’s smartphone in North American markets, where the Galaxy S III stands neck and neck with the iPhone 5 in terms of Web usage. The Galaxy S III’s status as a flagship phone, combined with substantial demand for the product and its wide availability, have made it an essential offering for many cellular carriers.
Given its position as a market-leading product, Chitika Insights conducted a research study to determine the current rate of Samsung Galaxy S III usage across each carrier selling the phone in the U.S. To quantify this study, Chitika Insights took a sample of tens of millions of U.S and Canadian smartphone mobile ad impressions originating from the Chitika Ad Network, ranging from February 1st through February 7th, 2013. A user agent analysis was conducted to identify the usage rate of different devices – in this case, Samsung Galaxy S III traffic across cellular carriers. The Samsung Galaxy S III identifies the carrier with the device ID string within the user agent. A graph depicting the distribution of Samsung Galaxy S III Web usage across all major carriers in the U.S. and Canada can be seen below:
The data above shows that Sprint users generate the largest amount of Samsung Galaxy S III Web traffic at 28%. Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T capture 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place with 22%, 20%, and 18% of Samsung Galaxy S III Web usage, respectively.
It is important to note that the unlimited data plan offered by Sprint likely contributes to its status as the leading carrier for Samsung Galaxy S III usage. Additionally, like Sprint, T-Mobile’s unlimited data offerings are also a potential contributing factor in positioning the carrier above AT&T, which is a significantly larger network in terms of subscriber base. With each carrier featuring the Galaxy S III as a top Android option for its subscribers, the usage share differences here help illustrate the potential impact of unlimited and tiered data plans on real-world consumer browsing behavior.