An excellent writeup in AdExchanger today for anyone who runs retargeting campaigns, John Ebbert provided some very interesting numbers on his own retargeting spend. Spend, CPM, CPC, all numbers come to the conclusion that below-the-fold advertising is more expensive than above.
We took a similar look at the effects of vs-the-fold placement on clickthrough rate a while back; our conclusion was that going from below- to above-fold would net about a 40% increase in clickthrough rate.
Happily, that’s about the difference John saw.
So, advertising folks, while there’s certainly advantages to being below-the-fold (scale, mostly), keep these numbers in mind when buying ad placements. And publishers, make sure your best performing ads are situated above-the-fold – the clicks generated should be excellent.
Check out Ebbert’s full findings on adexchanger.
yes, I agree with you and as the result on my site the earning increase significantly 🙂