The mobile marketplace continues to grow as tablets become increasingly popular for their functionality, convenience, and portability. As part of its monthly update on the subject, Chitika Insights examined the current distribution of Web usage among leading tablet devices at the conclusion of March 2013. For comparative purposes, tablet usage shares are all mapped against shares observed over the previous three months.
The mobile marketplace continues to grow as tablets become increasingly popular for their functionality, convenience, and portability. With warmer weather on the way, it is likely that some consumers will be abandoning their desktops for casual Web surfing in favor of tablets which can be taken outdoors and on the go.
To determine the current distribution of Web usage among leading tablet devices at the conclusion of March 2013, Chitika Insights sampled tens of millions of U.S. and Canadian tablet ad impressions running through the Chitika Ad Network. The data used to compile current market share was drawn across the time range of March 15th to March 21st, 2013. The historical data in the charts below is drawn from Chitika Insights’ January and February tablet market share reports.
The iPad saw its first month-over-month gain in Web traffic share since December, marking an end to the decline which began with the December holiday season. iPad users generated 81.9% of US and Canadian tablet Web traffic in March, a 1.4% basis points increase since February. This growth may be partially due to Apple offering refurbished iPads at a discount beginning in mid-March, 2013.
When it comes to Android tablets, Amazon’s Kindle Fire saw a slight decline in traffic share, with the Web usage from its family of Fire devices dropping 0.9% basis points to 7.1% of all Tablet-based Web traffic. Google Nexus and Samsung Galaxy devices each posted slight, 0.1% share gains.
Notably, the Kindle Fire still retains a 66.8% higher Web traffic volume from its position before the December holidays, while Barnes and Noble’s Nook has returned to almost the precise share percentage it held before the holidays. With the iPad maintaining its dominance within the tablet usage environment, it seems unlikely that any company will pose a challenge to its standing as the biggest driver of tablet traffic, particularly considering that the company is expected to release its latest tablet device within the coming months.