Chitika Releases Brand New WordPress Plugin: Introducing Version 2.0!

At Chitika, our goal is to make site monetization as easy and effective as possible for our publishers. Now, using Chitika ads on WordPress is easier than ever with the release of our Chitika WordPress Plugin version 2.0. With over 27,000 downloads and a 4.6 out of 5 star rating,  our plugin is more efficient than ever at making sure our publishers earn the most revenue possible with Chitika ads.

If you already have the Chitika WordPress plugin and just need to update to the most recent version, you will be able to do so within your WordPress admin panel. Don’t have the plugin yet? Downloads to the plugin have skyrocketed since the official release of 2.0, so be sure to join the masses and head to the download page here! Be sure to note that until your Chitika account is approved, you will not be able to start earning revenue from your Chitika ads on WordPress.

Version 2.0 updates include:

– Updated ad targeting, making ads are more targeted to site visitors and relevant to page content

– Fixed error message bug within admin panel

– Updated ad design – links in ad units now bold upon hover (we have found this results in a higher CTR)

Don’t wait – download version 2.0 today. Is there something on the plugin you would like to see added? Let us know by sending us an email – we want your feedback and suggestions!

Our Plugin Setup process is as easy as 1-2-3, and will only take you a couple of minutes. Keep reading for a full rundown on how to install Chitika’s newest WordPress plugin.

Chitika WordPress Plugin Installation: 

Chitika offers WordPress publishers a highly customizable monetization tool that allows you to quickly insert our ads on any of your WordPress sites. Installing your Chitika WordPress Plugin is simple, and will only take you a few minutes.

To get started, download the latest version of the plugin here. The Chitika Plugin is compatible with WordPress versions 3.0 and above. Note that until your Chitika account is approved, you will not be able to start earning revenue from your Chitika ads on WordPress.

After you download the plugin, you will need to upload it to your server (upload /chitika-premium/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory). If you are unable to upload the plugin to your server, you can install the Chitika Plugin from the WordPress admin panel by selecting “Add New” under the “Plugins” section.

Step 1: 

Once you login to your WordPress admin panel, select “Plugins.” 






Step 2:

Next, select “Installed Plugins.”





Step 3:

From your list of plugins, scroll to the newly added “Chitika” plugin. Click where it says “activate” to the left under the Plugin name.




Step 4:

After activating, your will be brought to the Chitika plugin settings. To get started, first add your Chitika account username. If you don’t have a Chitika account yet, sign up here!




Step 5:

​After adding your Chitika username, you are ready to start customizing the ad units. Once you select the ad placement, you can choose from over 20 different ad unit sizes, colors, and colors. Hit “save settings” and your Chitika ads will be up and running! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to shoot us an email

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