What's in store for RTB in 2013?

OMMA RTBReal Time Bidding has seen huge growth in the past 3 years, with the RTB approach to bidding dynamically on impressions increasing from 4% of display spending to 13%. Last week, Mike Oullette, Head of Chitika’s Real Time Trading Desk Division, attended the OMMA RTB conference in New York. Our Real Time Trading Desk Division has a lot planned for the year, so be sure to stay tuned to keep up with our latest RTB offerings! Check out Mike’s take-home points from the conference below.


Real Time Bidding has seen huge growth in the past 3 years, with the RTB approach to bidding dynamically on impressions increasing from 4% of display spending to 13%. Last week, Mike Oullette, Head of Chitika’s Real Time Trading Desk Division, attended the OMMA RTB conference in New York. Our Real Time Trading Desk Division has a lot planned for the year, so be sure to stay tuned to keep up with our latest RTB offerings! Check out Mike’s take-home points from the conference below.

Conference Highlights:

  • More and more big brands are embracing real time buying as part of their digital strategy. As a result, more branding dollars are coming into the space.
  • 2013 will be a huge year for RTB in general, with significant incremental dollars being spent in the space.
  • Facebook’s FBX exchange is a clear game changer, introducing significant incremental supply in an instant.
  • Companies playing in the real time buying space need to be making more investments in understanding audiences and users rather than focusing on just scale.
  • Private exchanges have a long way to go, and until much of the friction in this area is removed growth will be stagnant at best.
  • If you are playing in the real time buying space it’s critical for your organization to have a ‘real time culture’, essentially understanding the dynamic nature and speed in which operations need to flow.

What are your predictions for RTB in 2013?

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