November Tablet Market Share Update

In November, much of what has defined the tablet market in the past remains the same. The iPad continues to dominate, holding over 88% of tablet Web traffic market share, maintaining their lead. In second place comes Amazon’s Kindle Fire with 4.05 impressions per 100 iPad impressions, or about 3.6% of total tablet Web traffic market share 1. November marked the introduction of the latest Nexus 7 and the new Nexus 10 tablets, helping to grow the overall Google Nexus family market share to 1.03 impressions per 100 iPad impressions, or a share of around 0.9%. The Samsung Galaxy family sits in third place behind the iPad and Kindle Fire, with 2.68 impressions per 100 iPad impressions, or around 2.4% of the overall market.

To quantify this latest study on the market as a whole, Chitika Insights examined a sample of tens of millions of tablet impressions from the Chitika Ad network. This study was drawn from a date range of November 12th to November 18th 2012, and only includes traffic from the U.S. and Canada. This week was chosen in order to eliminate any Black Friday-related traffic spikes which could skew the results.

Due to the iPad’s overwhelming presence in the tablet market, with its usage accounting for almost 90% of all tablet Web traffic seen in North America, the usage of other tablets is relayed in terms of impressions per 100 iPads. A graph depicting this study can be seen below:

The latest report yet again underscores the iPad’s dominance in the space, but also the credible competition coming from users of Amazon, Samsung and Google tablets. The 2012 holiday season will likely lead to an increased presence of Android tablets when it comes to Web browsing, but high sales predictions for the recently debuted new iPad and iPad Mini are likely to stamp out any significant share gains by Apple’s competitors. Based on long-term trends, the U.S. and Canada are at least several months away from iPad users generating anything less than 75% of tablet Web traffic.

Looking back at the October tablet report you will see a growth in Kindle Fire’s share of tablet Web traffic. On November 8, Amazon published a blog post detailing an extensive list of possible variations in user agent strings to identify Kindle devices. This type of transparency allows Chitika Insights, and other market researchers, to provide the most accurate data possible when reporting on the state of the Web usage market. As such, the numbers we are reporting this month for Kindle Fire have changed.


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