Galaxy Note II off to Hot Start on T-Mobile, Sprint

Like the original model, the large screen of the Samsung Galaxy Note II exemplifies a new breed of hybrid devices – part smart phone, part tablet, nicknamed by many as the portmanteau, “phablet.” The Galaxy Note II’s 5.5 inch screen is only slightly smaller than a 7 inch tablet, making it capable of comfortably running some applications originally targeted for tablet users.

Each major carrier is releasing a version of the Galaxy Note II at varying points this fall.  T-Mobile began selling the smartphone on October 24th, 2012. The carrier was then followed by Sprint (October 25th) and U.S. Cellular (October 26th). Both AT&T and Verizon are releasing their versions of the smartphone in November, with Verizon including a custom home button and a reported launch date in late November – over a month after its competitors debuted the phone on their networks.

Chitika Insights looked to quantify how well the Samsung Galaxy Note II is being adopted with its large screen size and staggered releases.  To quantify this study, Chitika Insights looked at a sample of tens of millions of impressions from the Chitika ad network from October 23rd to October 28th, 2012.  Isolating Samsung smartphone Web impressions, we were able to see the rise in Samsung Galaxy Note II usage.

48 hours after the U.S. Cellular launch and 4 days after T-Mobile, the Samsung Galaxy Note II made up 0.33% of all Samsung’s smartphone Web traffic. This is a strong start for the new smartphone as two major carriers are still waiting to release the device. Additionally, as we’ve seen previously, the larger screen size could increase the Web browsing habits of Galaxy Note users.

As each carrier possesses its own unique variant of the smartphone, we were able to generate an exact breakdown of Galaxy Note II traffic by carrier using 24 hours of data from October 28th, 2012.

It’s not surprising that T-Mobile, with its extra day of sales, is in the lead with 53% of all U.S. Galaxy Note II Web traffic coming from users of its phone variant. Close behind is Sprint, with U.S. Cellular making a small, early impact. While we anticipate large shares eventually going to late arrivals AT&T and Verizon, the latter will be at a relative disadvantage when selling the Galaxy Note II, as most of its competitors will have had the phone out for over a month.