Pictured Above: Chitika data solutions engineer Gabriel Donnini, left, and senior solutions architect Bill Huertas “joust” in the Performance Zone at the companyâs Westborough headquarters.
In today’s Boston Business Journal, writer Julie Donnelly explores the idea of “Fit for Profit”, as managers aren’t just promoting wellness to save on employee health costs anymore. They’re also finding exercise makes workers more productive, as explained by Chitika CEO Venkat Kolluri.
It is nice to see companies thinking of their employees’ health.
Hi Guys,
Are you sure getting physical on the job will increase productivity? I’ve worked as a nursing assistant at one of the best hospital in New York City, the nurses were so unfriendly, flat and humorless- they hates the patients they hated me for having a pleasant demeanor and thus, physical contact would not have been a good idea.
Have fun with your co-workers.
a very positive activity
forward “Chitika”
The company could moves from westbrough to Bostom , or instead put the extra rent into building out of performances zone in the company’s offices.In today’s Boston Business Journal, writer Julie Donnelly explores the idea of “Fit for Profit”, as managers aren’t just promoting wellness to save on employee health costs anymore.