Ah, the holidays. A time to celebrate those values we hold most dear. A time of festivity, joy, peace and fellowship with our loved ones. And, of course, above all, a time to cherish that which we hold most sacred here in America – surfing the internet.
This holiday season, Chitika Insights took a look to see just how celebratory Americans got. Using data collected from hundreds of millions of impressions taken from our network, we looked at tablet traffic in the days both before and after Christmas to see how much of a boost the gift-giving season gave to various tablets devices.
Continuing the Holiday Tablet Wars, we compared the iPad, Kindle Fire, BlackBerry PlayBook, and Samsung Galaxy Tab, keeping track of how these devices have been faring in the competitive tablet market.
Though the iPad’s lead over the other tablets is strong, it was not the tablet with the most impressive spike in traffic after the wrapping paper had all come off Christmas morning. The PlayBook’s 50% jump in traffic Christmas day might just be the thing to help with RiM’s recent struggles. The real victor in the season’s tablet wars, though, has to be the Kindle Fire and its 122% traffic spike from the 24th to the 25th. If more than doubling your usage overnight doesn’t say Christmas Spirit, we don’t know what does.
Such a resounding success over the holidays can surely only be the start to an exciting year for the tablet market. Insights will stay tuned through 2012 to see what the year has in store for the tablet field.
But is the Playbook discounted heavily? In the UK it is at a third of it’s original price.
Yes, but more people are buying it because it’s a decent product and it is worth the discounted price. Don’t take my word for it, just look at the statistics. I mean, $199 for a tablet? It’s a steal. And that’s why you see people rushing out after it.
This is a data analytics company… really?
You can’t even decode basic statistics.
The data indicates ipad traffic was up 20%. 20% over their existing installed base is roughly 12 MILLION ipads.
120% increase over the fire installed base is roughly 2 MILLION.
a 50% increase over the playbooks installed base is about 500 THOUSAND.
What part of this indicates the fire or playbook ate the ipads lunch?
If the numbers had been any different, the results would have been catastrophic for the fire and playbook.
Yep… I agree 100%. These percentages don’t mean anything in terms of units sold/activated. However, I don’t believe this article ever tried to infer anything like that from this data… it simply presented the data as percentages changed, and concluded that the Fire and Playbook had the biggest % spikes in traffic, which is true, in this context.
Unfortunately, other “news” outlets will probably see this chart and report that the iPad sales were poor because of the Fire and the Playbook. Which may well be true, but it’s impossible to make this conclusion using what’s in this article.
What a dumb argument. As the article implies, the growth of alternative choices to the iPad grows…
“Unfortunately, other “news” outlets will probably see this chart and report that the iPad sales were poor because of the Fire and the Playbook.”
Just, shut up. Seriously. The fact that you are trying to frame this argument like that is just absolutely pathetic. Yeah d00d, I can just see the floods of reports coming in showing how “pathetic” the iPad was compared to the Fire and the Playbook!