Maybe, just maybe, finding lunch is dominating local search traffic. If the advantages of local search don’t come to mind immediately, recall the ease of searching for the nearby restaurants or gas stations in today’s world. A first pass at the data anoints noontime as the peak of the local search traffic. In contrast, both the volume and proportion of total local traffic tapers off through the rest of the day.
As local search continues to gain precedence in the world of online advertising, publishers and advertisers are devoting a greater portion of their efforts towards delivering the right ads, from the right place, at the right time. Chitika Inc., a data analytics firm in the business of online advertising, analyzed a large sample of online local queries to supplement our recent study concerning mobile browsing and online behavior.
In analyzing a series of weekday traffic, Chitika Insights discovered that 20% of all local traffic occurs between 10:00AM and 12:00PM peaking between 11:00AM and noon. We found it striking that the percentage of total traffic falls steeply beyond 1:00PM. The steep peak in traffic volume in the morning across weekdays supports the idea that people engage in local search to satisfy daily needs such as everyday shopping and meals. What’s more, 9:00AM to 5:00PM accounts for 54% of the local search volume. In contrast, a previous Insights study focusing on mobile traffic emphasizes after-hours as the foci of mobile browsing.
Any follower of the online world will rightfully realize that the results of mobile and local search are not mutually exclusive because both mobile phones and PCs are employed to search locally on the web. Users are more narrowly motivated to search locally than on their mobile devices. All that is certain is that local browsing is a 9:00AM to 5:00 PM occupation.
Ihre Freunde stets Wind, Frost, wirst du in der Ferne zu tragen, wenn ich kann nicht, ich bete sie an meinem K?rper Verwitterung kommen