Smart Phones Pave the Way for the Future of Online Advertising

According to Matthew Campbell and Amy Thomson of in that the geo-locating Nike and Heineken apps proves that mobile advertising has arrived for real. Due to the recent developments in smart phone technology and the resulting increase in popularity, mobile advertising is the hot new marketing venue. Campbell and Thomson cite Gartner Research, which projects that there will be a total of $3.3 billion spent on mobile ads in 2011. Based on the persistent rise of smart phones and apps, they predict that the total capital in mobile advertising will reach $20.6 billion by 2015. Campbell and Thomson point out that companies are investing heavily in mobile ads, taking advantage geolocation feature on smart phones and tablet computers.

Geolocation allows marketers to see exactly where a user is at a given moment, and so place relevant, time-critical ads on the user’s mobile device. In online advertising, relevancy trumps ubiquity. The more relevant an ad is to the user, the more likely it will be clicked on and a transaction can potentially be made.
Campbell and Thomson refer to a list of platforms to emphasize the breadth of coverage available to mobile ads. One fascinating example is Vodafone Group Plc’s partnership with the wireless carrier companies, Everything Everywhere and Telefonica SA. These are all Western European companies, a region that has the fastest rate of mobile advertising growth, according to the same Gartner Research. Vodafone hopes to create a single platform for mobile payments by the end of this year. Advertisers normally have to buy ads on mobile providers individually, which makes scaling an ad campaign difficult. Having one umbrella site covering these major carriers will simplify advertising for both marketers and users.
Chitika has introduced Mobile LAX (Hyperlink) in response to the growth of mobile advertising. As the prevalence of mobile search continues to grow, we’ll keep checking in for new research and market updates!

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