iPhone Traffic is more Search Oriented than Android Traffic

Since Chitika is a company that is heavily involved in search, mobile, and local targeted advertising, we are highly interested in the traffic patterns of various demographics. Given that an ever growing share of web traffic is coming from mobile devices, it becomes clear that knowing the traffic tendencies of these users is growing increasingly important.

Knowing this, Chitika Insights decided to take a look at the various US and Canadian traffic patterns of our various mobile platforms versus desktop platforms, to analyze what percentage of our traffic generated comes from a search engine. What we found is, mobile users love search:

While all mobile platforms are search engine friendly, iPhone has a clear edge with over 60% of their impressions coming from a search engine; a 22% advantage over Android and a 10% edge on its iOS sibling, iPad. Also importantly, the average iPhone impression is twice as likely to originate from a search engine than the average Desktop impression.

Given that we know search traffic is more valuable to your site than other traffic, we continue to see the need for mobile sites to optimize themselves on search engines. And given what we know about the value of positioning, the evidence is clear: mobile search optimization is important for the future of the web.

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