Chitika’s internet data analysis has been referenced by a major media network for the second time this month! On June 9th, the Boston Herald published an article about Wellesley, Massachusetts having the highest desktop market share in the state. Check out the blog post here.
Phillip Elmer-Dewitt wrote an article that referenced Chitika research. He highlighted the raw data by incorporating our interactive map, which depicts the individual market shares state by state. He also features a list of the top ten cities with the highest percentages of Apple ownership. Elmer-Dewitt adds that the top two cities are San Francisco (24%) and New York City (23.3%) He notes that, of the top ten cities, six are in California. Interestingly enough, California does not have the highest market share percentage despite the fact that California cities occupy over half of the list. The state with the highest market share of Apple computers per capita is Vermont (19.55%). In California, 14.1% are Mac users. Elmer-Dewitt doesn’t provide reasoning for this phenomenon, however.
While a lot of people have Macs in California, there are also a lot with non-Macs. By contrast, Vermont doesn’t have as many Mac users as California, but there are far less people who do not have Macs. Therefore, the ratio favors Vermont as being the more Mac-friendly state. However, if the top ten list was based purely on numbers, not percentages, California would be the number one state by a large margin.
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