The iPad: Still Miles Ahead of the Field

2011 was supposed to be the year that Android tablets made a dent in the iPad’s dominant market position. So far, it has not measurably worked out in any way.

In February, I discussed numbers that indicated a potentially favorable market for the Motorola Xoom, and was initially encouraged by its early numbers. After a few weeks, however, it became clear that the iPad was still the king of the tablet jungle, with over 65 iPad‘s appearing among Chitika’s US and Canadian traffic for every Xoom.

To the Xoom’s credit, however, it was still a significantly newer product, and the two and a half months since our last update prompted Chitika Insights to take another look at the progress of Xoom, as well as the newer PlayBook. Unfortunately for both devices, not much has changed at all:

The numbers remain ugly for the Xoom: The 65.6 to 1 ratio from our last check has gone virtually unchanged, and is now 65.9:1. On the bright side for Motorola, however, the Xoom is still registering 3.1 device impressions for every 1 PlayBook impression, and 1.6 for every 1 Samsung Galaxy Tab.

What might be even more concerning for Android tablet fans is that iPad continues to make gains in not just the tablet market, but the overall mobile market; it is now recording over 22% of our North American mobile impressions, and is approaching the iPhone and Android phones in traffic. While Android has been very successful in getting people to shop for smart phones instead of iPhones, the perception of going out to buy an iPad instead of a tablet has proven to be a far more difficult barrier.

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