Windows 7 is Number One…on the Weekend

The big operating system news of the week revolves around Windows 7, who has surpassed Windows XP in the USA according to PC World. This is good news for Microsoft, given the bad reception of Vista and likely frustration that results from being forced to continue supporting a nearly decade-old operating system.

Given our large sample of partner websites, Chitika Insights decided to take a closer look at this number across all US and Canadian traffic and follow up on this news. What we discovered was that the media had it half right.

While Windows 7 sees enough of a spike on the weekends to surpass Windows XP, Windows XP still sees a strong enough presence in the workplace to hold onto its advantage on the weekdays by a comfortable margin. For a week long sample, Windows XP continues to hold the edge, with 32.145% of the weekly market versus 28.429% for Windows 7.

This should come at no surprise, as Windows XP is still the dominant workplace operating system. While many, including myself, liked our time with XP, one has to hope that this current trend towards Windows 7 adoption continues.

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