Today, several studies were released showing Android as the new #1 smartphone platform – one by our fellow ad network InMobi, and one by research gorilla comScore. Our numbers disagree, however; we still see the iPhone as the top North American smartphone, and it ain’t close.
This, folks, is part of the joy of online statistics – everybody’s data set is a little different and has a slightly different bias. Keep in mind that our network doesn’t take into account apps, and is purely based on a large collection of websites. This is useful in that the data set is consistent, but assumes that web browser usage is the same among the mobile devices (in other words, all Android devices and iPhones are running Mobile Safari or Chrome Mobile 50% of the time).
Android is still catching up to the iPhone in pure web usage, but the staggering growth of the iPad as a mobile browsing device of choice is impressive. Our prediction that the iPad will pass 2% of all Internet usage in 2011 suddenly looks rather conservative.