Xoom Boom – Android Tablet Growing 10x Faster than iPad

What a difference a new device makes.  We’ve noted before that the Galaxy Tab has utterly failed to make any dent in Apple’s tablet dominance, but the Motorola Xoom may be the Android device that makes the tablet-using world sit up and take notice.

From weekend to weekend – so the weekend of Feb. 26-27 versus the weekend of March 5-6 – Xoom’s usage grew by over 50%.  Overall, it picked up about 0.08% of the mobile market – not a huge number, but over the same period the iPad gained 0.007%.  While the iPad’s growth is currently rather flat, the Xoom appears to be picking up users left and right.

At this rate, if all things stayed equal (which they never do, of course), the Xoom would overtake the iPad in terms of Internet traffic in 348 days – the middle of February, 2012.  Of course that’s not going to happen, particularly given the iPad 2’s upcoming launch and Apple maelstrom of fanfare.

However, indications are that the Xoom could be Google’s tablet version of the Motorola Droid – a device that swoops in and gives people a good reason to consider an alternative to its iOS counterpart.  Even if it doesn’t come close to the iPad in terms of market share, Google should be thrilled, because the Xoom proves that they’re capable of doing to the iPad what the hundreds of Android phones have been able to do to the iPhone.


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