Omnibox Accounts for 54% of North American Chrome Google Searches

For most Chrome users I have come across (myself included), one of the drawing points for the browser is ultra-convenient Omnibox. For all those unfamiliar with the Chrome browser, the Omnibox is effectively used for both search and entering URLs.

Earlier, MG Siegler at TechCrunch discussed the new extensions now being offered by Chrome, such as being able to switch to a new tab using a command in the Omnibox, or a neat feature where the user can search quora simply by adding the expression “>quora” at the end of their search.

Interested in how this might affect the behaviors of Chrome users, Chitika Insights took a look at what percentage of Google searches originating from a Chrome browser in the United States or Canada involved the Omnibar. As it turned out, nearly 54% of searches originated from it, showing how well Google has done to attract more traffic by simplifying search even more.

Given the popularity of the Omnibox among Chrome users, as well as the growing adoption of the Chrome browser, it becomes clear that sites like Quora, as well as others who will gain similar functionality, could see spikes in visitors. From an end user perspective though, this looks to be a useful addition to an already heavily used functionality.


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