You’ve probably seen the videos on CNN and the breaking news on Twitter. But at the end of the day, what is the No. 1 question on American minds about Egypt? To get to the bottom of this, we dug into the Chitika realtime query stream for the last 7 days [as Chitika is an online advertising service that serves billions of search-targeted ads per month across more than 100K sites, this data is based off literally millions of users].
How much money does the US give Egypt?
Research methodology:
- To come to this conclusion, we analyzed the last 7 days of data from Jan 26th to Feb 1st.
- We grouped variations of queries together since different people type queries differently.
- We removed the obvious top query which was “What is happening in Egypt?”
- We removed the usual Egypt related research queries like “Where is Egypt?” or “Who built the pyramids?”
After setting up those parameters, the top searches were “How much money does the US give Egypt?”, “How much money does the US give to Egypt”, “How much aid does the US give to Egypt”, and so on.
Great Article