Samsung Galaxy Tab Growth Overstated, Outnumbered 300-to-1 by iPad

The Galaxy Tab, hailed by many as the first Android-based tablet device to truly threaten the iPad’s dominance (not to mention a pretty nifty device), is outnumbered online by iPads roughly 318 to 1, according to traffic data from our network.  That’s why we weren’t too surprised when The Wall Street Journal reported on a Samsung executive backtracking on their announced sales of 2 million since its launch.

When we checked into the growth of the tablet market in early January, for every one Galaxy Tab we saw, over three hundred iPads came through the Chitika network.  Thus, when news came out on Business Week that Samsung had shipped 2.1 million Galaxy Tabs in Q4 2010 (compared with Apple shipping 7.3 million iPads), we were skeptical.

As it turns out, the report was quite true – Samsung did ship that many devices to stores, but the number that actually were purchased by end users was much lower.  The iPad remains the 300-pound-gorilla of the tablet world.

However, the countless tablets and phones running Android that were announced at this year’s CES are evidence that Google’s strategy of “beat ’em with quantity” is moving into Stage II: Kill the iPad.  Don’t worry – Chitika Insights will keep an eye on the tablet market as new devices hit the web, and we’ll keep you up-to-date.


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