96% Of Publishers Not Monetizing Mobile Traffic… Yet

Only 4% of Web Domains Ready for Mobile Traffic

Mobile traffic is growing by leaps and bounds, but the Internet isn’t quite ready to deal with it yet.  According to a study conducted by online and mobile ad network Chitika, of the one million largest web domains, only 3.54% have a dedicated site for mobile traffic.  Without a targeted site or call-to-action targeted to mobile devices (such as Chitika’s mobile ad unit, which targets mobile traffic on non-mobile sites), mobile traffic is nearly impossible to monetize, meaning that over 96% of the Internet is wasting a growing, potentially valuable segment of traffic.

To come to this conclusion, Chitika spidered the top one million sites as ranked by Alexa, coming back with a yes or no answer to whether the site has a mobile version.  As you go down the list, the likelihood of a site to be mobile ready decreases sharply – 100% of the top 10 sites have a mobile version, but that number drops to 84% of the top 50, 67% of the top 100, and only  35% of the top 1,000.

Only 4 Percent of Domains Mobile Ready

Top 10 Top 50 Top 100 Top 1k Top 10k Top 100k Top Million
100% 84% 67% 35% 15% 7% 4%

The fact that only one in three domains ranked as the top 1,000 most visited actually takes advantage of its mobile traffic is very telling.  It has been widely speculated that 2011 will be the year of mobile Internet, but when even the largest web sites are unlikely to have a dedicated mobile experience, it becomes clear that publishers have a ways to go before they can take true advantage of the Internet-on-your-phone revolution.


Daniel Ruby
Research Director, Online Insights
Chitika, Inc.
+866.441.7203 x966


  1. I’m vaguely aware of having to have a mobile version of your site. I don’t have internet access on my mobile phone, but my spouse does. I’ve viewed my site from a mobile phone once before. I need to learn more about mobile traffic and even more about the potential to profit from it. Thank you so very much for alerting us all to what we are missing out on.

  2. Thanks very much Fritz, I’ve got a bunch in the queue, just pulling numbers on them. I’d be open to requests; anything you’d like to see as a study?

  3. looking forward to seeing them once the number crunching is done 🙂

    well as far as requests go would be interesting to know about Google TV and how its changing the web browsing and searching experience of users
    if i do come across some more requests will be sure to pass them along to Alden or you 😛

  4. Hmm… interesting idea. I wonder if people will click on ads on their TV. The whole FIOS/AdSense thing should be interesting to monitor as well.

  5. Dan- Have you ever heard of a company called Online Income Strategy? They market a technology that captures exit traffic on websites. Thx -c

  6. Why most businesses do not have a mobile friendly site? Because there is no clear ROI.
    With Zuznow the ROI is very clear: The business do not have to do anything, the solution covers 100% of the mobile visits, and all with state of the art mobile 
    friendly site.

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