What’s on the minds of mobile users? What sets someone with a BlackBerry apart from, say, an Android user?
With these questions in mind, we took a look at what iPhone, BlackBerry, Palm, Android, and iPad users are searching for.
The interesting results? Apple users love Apple, and Palm users love… Apple and Android.
Take a look, for example, at the top 5 search queries for Palm users so far in June:
Query # | All Palm Devices |
1 | Father’s Day 2010 |
2 | HTC Evo |
3 | NBA Finals 2010 |
4 | 50 Cent Skinny |
5 | Sprint iPhone |
Interesting to say the least that two of the top 5 queries are potential Palm replacements on Sprint. From the looks of it, Palm users are reading the writing on the wall regarding Palm’s decline and acquisition by HP. They want out, but they don’t want to give up the Sprint network.
Compare that to what Apple (iPad and iPhone) users are looking for:
Query # | iPhone | iPad |
1 | Father’s Day 2010 | Oil Spill |
2 | iPhone 4g | Father’s Day 2010 |
3 | NBA Finals Schedule 2010 | WWDC 2010 |
4 | 50 Cent Skinny | iPhone 4G |
5 | Guatemala Sinkhole | NBA Finals Schedule 2010 |
Apple exists in its own self-perpetuating world. So many searches on Apple products for Apple products highlight a major reason why Cupertino has been so successful – cross-marketing.
And now, for comparison’s sake, the top 5 search queries by BlackBerry and Android:
Query # | Android | BlackBerry |
1 | Father’s Day 2010 | Father’s Day 2010 |
2 | NBA Finals Schedule 2010 | Free Blackberry Themes |
3 | Oil spill live feed | NBA Finals Schedule |
4 | 50 Cent Skinny | Funny sayings |
5 | Unemployment extension | 50 Cent Skinny |
Study based on a sample of 1,345,584 impressions across the Chitika advertising network during the first week of June, 2010.