The Chitika Mega Unit, launched exactly one year ago, due to a custom request from a publisher, and went on to do very well for other publishers.
The Mega unit is a non-conventional ad size, and Chitika is the only company that offers it. Because the ad unit did so well for a test group of publishers, we made it available for all. The Mega Unit comes in sizes: 550×250, 500×250.
We realize that some sites do not have the space to place such a wide ad unit, but you still would like to receive the benefits from it. So, now available is the Mega Unit Jr., size: 468×250:
This will give you the large, successful size of the Mega Unit for those who do not have a 550 or 500 pixel space.
To try this size out, simply edit the ad code on your page, or generate a new ad in your code panel:
This all began with feedback from you, please let us know what you’d like to see!