Clickthrough Rate Analysis: Bing vs. Google vs. Yahoo!

We at Chitika are quite fond of search engines: since all of our ads serve only to search traffic, they’re our bread and butter in the online world. So with Microsoft’s new Bing decision engine making so much noise, we thought we’d take a closer look at the clickthrough rates of visitors from the three major search players: Yahoo!, Google, and Bing.

As it turns out, Bing users are over 50% more likely to click an ad on your site than Google users. What does this mean? Well, for publishers, it means you should start concentrating on driving more Bing traffic to your site. For Microsoft, it seems to suggest that Bing’s success will last about as long as its advertising budget will carry it.

Ad Click Rate by Search Engine

The Raw Numbers

Impressions Clicks CTR % vs Google
Google 26,929,367 260,518 0.97% 100%
Yahoo! 3,157,648 39,008 1.24% 127%
Bing 2,236,366 33,558 1.50% 155%


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